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Getting Your Skin Winter-Ready

By Zoe Greenwood, April 19 2021

It’s that time of year for scarves, hats, cosy jumpers and unlimited hot chocolate (YUM). But that also means the dreaded harsh weather is here as well. Winter has its moments, let’s be honest, we all love sitting around the fire with a tea, playing in the snow and, more importantly, not sweating 24/7; however, it also means that it’s probably time to switch up your skincare routine. The cold weather can take a serious toll on your skin in terms of cracked lips, dry skin and rosy cheeks (that last one – not a big deal, essentially a natural blusher). Here are our tips to ensure your skin gets the love it deserves:

Use a cream cleanser instead of a foam cleanser

Swap your cleansers. If you don’t use one, start using one. Your skin is likely to be dehydrated from the weather and needs as much moisture as it can get. Using a cream cleanser will be gentler on your skin while still dissolving all the dirt and makeup on your face without drying it out.

Get a thicker lotion

During the summer months, we often use a lighter formula because our skin doesn’t need it as much. However, you might start to realise that your skin needs more moisture, especially if you’re starting to have some dry patches at the end of the day. If this is the case, then simply buying a richer cream and apply it day and night to ensure your skin is hydrated. If you don’t feel like wearing heavy formulas during the day, then keep to your lightweight one for the mornings and use a richer cream to nourish your skin while you’re sleeping.

Hand lotion is also handy to keep in your bag, so you can keep your nails and cuticles hydrated. Try booking a manicure every now and then to keep your cuticles neat and tidy. During winter months, the skin around your nails becomes more prone to damage and can cause infections, so it’s essential to avoid this. You can even book one of our Salonettes straight to your home so you don’t have to leave your warm house!

Start using an eye cream

If you’re not already, now is your time to incorporate eye creams into your beauty routine. The skin under your eye is delicate meaning it’s more susceptible to drying out during the winter months and fine lines will be more noticeable when your skin is dehydrated. Not only will using an eye cream keep the skin moisturised but if you buy some with collagen or elastin, they will help encourage new cell regeneration and fill in those fine lines. Youthful skin, here we come.

Lip Balm

Essential! Everyone should carry a lip balm 24/7 – even in summer months. Your lips can be prone to cracking especially when it’s cold, so looking after them should be your top priority. Our lips don’t generate any natural oils so it’s essentially up to you to keep them moisturised. Remove dry skin by exfoliating your lips with a washcloth or a toothbrush and then apply a rich moisturising balm to protect them.

Drink Water

As much as we all love our hot drinks in the winter, you need to make sure you’re still drinking enough water. You can put as many creams and oils on your skin to hydrate it, but sadly if you’re not drinking enough water your skin will appear duller and drier. Water will help keep your skin plump and refreshed. Better yet, it will make your skin less prone to breakouts, so it’s a win-win!

A good skincare routine should always be your top priority. After all, who wants dry, flaky skin – it doesn’t make a great base for makeup. These steps will not only ensure your skin is protected from the harsh weather, but it helps keep it healthy e.g. you will be less prone to breakouts, blackheads and obviously dehydrated skin.

If you enjoyed this, make sure to check out our beauty blog!  

Zoe Greenwood

Zoe Greenwood

After graduating from Brunel University with a degree in Journalism, Zoe has since gone on to become LeSalon’s marketing executive where she oversees and produces content for the blog and social platforms, covering online interviews with female entrepreneurs, beauty tips and trending news.


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