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Should You Pluck Your Eyebrows In Between Appointments?

By Jennie Waeland, November 13 2020

The age old question: “Should I pluck my eyebrows between waxing appointments?”. In the beauty world, it can be hard to know what to do at home and how to prepare for appointments. 

In recent years, eyebrows have become the ‘centerpiece’ of our faces and makeup routines. From thin, pencilled-in brows in the 90s to thick, feathered brows in 2020 – the beauty industry has seen it all!

Eyebrows are a great way to frame your face and add depth. Getting a frequent eyebrow wax is a common beauty upkeep for many individuals. A professional wax ensures that your eyebrows are even and shaped well to accentuate your features. 

In order to prepare for a wax, you must let your hair grow to a long enough length to be able to grip the wax. This will leave you with unwanted, stray hairs in between appointments. If you are struggling to resist the temptation to pluck these, read on to see the best solution for you.

How long do I need to grow my eyebrow hair before a wax?

Exactly the same as all other areas of the body, you must grow out your hair before a wax. If there is no body hair, the wax will have nothing to grip onto and pull out of the follicle. So, how much of my eyebrow hair should I grow?

There isn’t a specific length that you must grow your eyebrow to, but it is recommended to wait around 4 to 6 weeks between wax appointments. This is roughly the time of the hair growth cycle. At this point, your hair should begin bending into a shape, rather than sticking straight up. 

Should I pluck my eyebrow hair between appointments?

No. As tempting as it may be, you must avoid plucking those pesky stray hairs between appointments. By plucking, you are disrupting the hair cycle and prolonging the hair growth time. 

We have all experienced being power hungry with tweezers. 

“I just want to pluck this one stray hair, I’ll leave the rest alone”…

How many times have you heard that?

One casual, non-committed pluck leads to completely renovating your entire eyebrow area. If you become ‘pluck-happy’ with your tweezers, you run the risk of ruining your previous therapist’s work. Waxes are carried out in a specific way to shape and define your brow shape, tailored personally to you. If you disrupt this with your own handy work, you are undoing everything leading up to this point. 

Our biggest advice: trust the process. 

How can I resist the temptation to pluck my eyebrows between waxing appointments?

There are a couple of ways that you can fight the urge to pluck away at your brows during the growth period. Try these tips the next time you find yourself reaching for the tweezers…

Use makeup to your advantage

However you choose to fill in your eyebrows, try to create a natural shape which includes these stray hairs. Powder, gel, pencil – no matter the method you use, try to incorporate those stray hairs into your eyebrow styling. 

Alternatively, you can try using a concealer to make these extra hairs feel more subtle. Adding concealer under the brow can help to make your eyebrows look sharper and more defined. A bold but controlled eyebrow look can help your brows stand out in a beneficial way, adding more depth to your facial features. 

Avoid trimming

Just because you shouldn’t use tweezers, doesn’t mean you should use bathroom scissors in their place. Trimming your eyebrow hairs has the same effect as plucking, as this can create patches and therefore halt the growth process. The more you tamper with your brows, the longer you will have to wait to get salon-standard results. 

Be strategic about booking your next appointment

As mentioned before, it is recommended to wait 4-6 weeks between waxing appointments. This allows enough time for the eyebrow hairs to grow to a sufficient length before the next appointment.

The more hair you grow, the more leeway there is to style and shape the brow. 

Embrace it!

Now is a better time than any to embrace fuller brows. Cara Delevigne, Lily Collins, Emilia Clarke – what do they have in common? They all flaunt full, luxurious brows! Wilder brows are definitely in trend at the moment. 

Even if they weren’t in trend, you should embrace your looks no matter what and be the one to decide how you rock them. 

We know that the process can seem daunting and feel longer than expected but the more you grow your brows out, the better the end result will be. 

Patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait!

Booking with LeSalon

If you would like to book a brow appointment with us at LeSalon, you can view our services here and book via our website or app. An eyebrow wax is included in our Full Face Wax, for just £45. 

So put the tweezers down and embrace those 4-6 weeks between appointments! 

For more information on brows, you might like our other blog posts:

Jennie Waeland

Jennie Waeland

Jennie is LeSalon’s Social and Content Executive, covering everything from beauty, lifestyle and, of course, manicures. She graduated from the University of Roehampton with a degree in film and has since used her skills to produce various content and illustrational pieces.


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