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Improving Wellbeing in the Office

By Lucy Yeeles, October 18 2019

It’s already September and 2019 is flying by. If you’re sat in the office thinking where did summer go and when can I book my next holiday and time off work, then you’re not alone. We’re all thinking about it! Now the weather is changing and it’s becoming slightly more miserable, so we’re not getting energised from the sun and we’re certainly not spending as much time outside. As such, we tend to crawl into our office dens, stay there until the end of the day, go home and then do the exact same thing the next day. This repetitive lifestyle can leave us feeling unhappy, exhausted and not ourselves. So, here are our top tips on how to improve office wellbeing and to get that positive mental attitude:

These first few are for employers:

For employees looking out for other employees, we advise:

We really encourage looking out for each other in the office. Small acts of kindness can go a long way, so even if it something as small as getting a colleague a glass of water, just do it. It might just make their day. After all, we’re part of a team in the office. Cue the most cliché and overused sentence of all time – teamwork makes the dreamwork. All jokes aside, teamwork definitely does make the dream work. So, support each other, help each other and be more proactive to look out for each other. It will make for a much happier office environment.

Lucy Yeeles

Lucy Yeeles

Freelance writer and contributor to LeSalon, Lucy has covered everything from mental health, to protecting your hair from the sun.


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