Reaping the rewards: How to incentivise your staff
By Cassidy Brown, August 3 2020

We’ve all had that one boss who fails to recognise and reward our achievements within the workspace. This can often leave us questioning whether there is any point of running that extra mile if there are no rewards for doing the extra work. Some might say that it’s the satisfaction of knowing you did a good job but come on, who really believes that.
Sure, there are plenty of companies out there who have reward systems in place for their employees, but you have to sign up for most of them or be invited to. Plus, few of the employees know about said system, to begin with.
At LeSalon we know the importance of valuing employees and reminding them often of their worth. We are here to show you a few ways of rewarding your employees and how we can improve your company.
How to Reward Your Employees
Not all rewards have to come as material objects. Some rewards can just be as simple as a thank you note or an extra day off for the weekend. The best reward might even be getting recognised in front of your peers for your achievement.
One way that American Express offers up, is to have a day where the employee gets to switch offices or desks with the boss. This is a fun way to show you appreciate your employees, as well as telling them that they are just as important as you are in the company. One of the more obvious bouts of appreciation is to throw a party in their honour, and of course, there should be a cake.
Incentivize your staff with a manicure in the office
More than 96% of women have said that they feel better about themselves when their nails are done. However, many women who work full time often don’t have the opportunity to go to the salon every two weeks to get a manicure.
At LeSalon, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to feel good about themselves, whether this is achieved with a manicure, pedicure or both. That’s why we have a number of corporate treatments and deals at LeSalon, that you can book straight to your workplace.
When you book with LeSalon, our technicians come to you wherever you are, and this includes the office. We have plenty of options for you and your employees to choose from. Pay by the hour – your employees get to choose whatever service they want. Pay as you go – let your employees choose the service that they desire. And finally, have your employees choose their service at a discounted group price.
This is one of the best ways to tell your employees that you appreciate them and all that they do for the company. By treating them to a spa treatment in the office, they will be more relaxed and more willing to work as well.
Improving Company Culture
Rewarding your employees for their hard work will push them to continue to do good work. It gives them more reason to work hard and meet deadlines because they know that there will possibly be a reward in it for them. People are more likely to do things when they get something out of it.
According to, 50% or people benefit from competition in the workplace. Everyone is a little bit competitive, even if they say that they aren’t. Creating a clean and fun competition within the company between the employees might even be a good idea.
More rewards for your employees:
- Flip flop day. Allow your employees to wear flip flops to the office one day.
- Adult education classes. Pay for an adult education class of their choosing.
- Dump it. Let your employee drop one project they hate and you finish the work.
- Bring your dog to work day. Allow employees to bring their dogs to work when they reach an achievement. Studies on show that there was an 11% drop in stress levels for people who brought their pet to work.
- Appreciation jar. Have each employee write something nice about the one who is being recognised. Put them into a keepsake jar and give it to them.
- Dinner on the boss. Give the employee you’re recognising a gift certificate to their favourite restaurant for them and a partner.
- A new chair. Buy the employee a new ergonomic chair for their hard work and to show them that you care about their long term well-being.
- Pick a door. Place a gift behind three doors and let the employee choose which door and which gift they want.
- Singing telegram. Hire whatever animal costume is available and have them surprise the employee in the office with a song of appreciation.
- Pizza party. Who doesn’t love pizza? Throw a pizza party in their honour.
For more ideas on employee rewards, perks, and wellbeing, check out our expert advice blog.