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Supporting the Movement

By Jennie Waeland, April 29 2021

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

At LeSalon, we have and always will be committed to diversity and inclusivity. We work hard everyday to create an inclusive platform and company culture where all voices are heard and represented.

However, these past few weeks have shone a spotlight on even more injustices within our society and it’s devastating. We have been shocked over the unjust and horrific deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, the harassment of Christian Cooper, the list goes on… Our hearts go to the communities who have been impacted and to the members of our community who are hurting. We are telling them that their lives matter, black lives matter.

Inclusivity and empowerment are values that are close to our heart: we represent a diverse and vibrant community of powerfully beautiful women, men, customers, therapists, people of any shape, colour or gender. We believe that as a community we have an opportunity to challenge the status-quo, which is why we’ve compiled a list of resources below for you to read, listen and drive change at your level.

At our level, we will be engaging with our community to understand how we can drive change within our business and community. We welcome ideas and suggestions as to how we can be better at driving change.

Silence is loud. Let’s drive change together, no voice, no action is too small.

“In a racist society, it is not enough to be not-racist, we must be anti-racist” Angela Davis

Online Resources:

Here is a list of organisations you can donate to…

Petitions You Can Sign:
On Netflix:

Television shows, documentaries, and films have great power in educating and showing oppression and injustice. There is a mixture of fictional shows and true events that highlight oppression and racism.


Jennie Waeland

Jennie Waeland

Jennie is LeSalon’s Social and Content Executive, covering everything from beauty, lifestyle and, of course, manicures. She graduated from the University of Roehampton with a degree in film and has since used her skills to produce various content and illustrational pieces.


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