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New Year’s Resolution

By Charlotte Painter, January 13 2020

New Year’s Resolutions have been tradition since time and they’re a great way of setting yourself targets for the year. However, sometimes they never work out. Agreed you should not set unrealistic tasks, but it should be something you want to work towards; whether that’s getting into shape, attending more social events or taking more time for yourself. et targets to help you manage your resolution and make this year a year of change and positivity, self-care and love. 


Get in shape 


Getting in shape. One of those resolutions we set every year, splurge on a gym membership and then find ourselves saying “maybe tomorrow’ after a long day at work. 

If your days at work are long and tiring and you want to go home and rest or having to pick up the kids from school and cook them dinner, then going to the gym or working out seems like an impossible task. 

Getting in shape doesn’t have to mean going to the gym every day.. It can also mean healthier eating or going for brisk walks which can be mindful and stress relieving. Even just cleaning the house on a Sunday morning. 

If you plan to work out, start slowly, fit it into your daily routine and try to make it a habit to do so. Set your goal to go to the gym or even workout from home using YouTube videos or apps once a week, even if it’s on your day off.

Keeping in shape and looking after yourself should not be stressful. It should ultimately make you feel good about yourself and reduce stress.


Eating healthier 


This is a common resolution, but can be a tricky one to achieve with your surroundings of cheap and easy junk food. Cooking healthy also takes time and when you’re coming home, tired from work, it can be a daunting task. However with the correct determination and manageable targets and tips, this resolution can be achieved. 

The biggest tip to give is meal prepping. Choose a Sunday and cook a batch of food – during the week, you won’t have to cook anything and, best of all, you’ll end up spending less. All you have to do now is simply  heat up the food, pour a glass of wine and sit back and relax.


Stop procrastinating 


No matter how old you are, we all procrastinate. 

We all want to relax and do something fun instead of sitting at a desk all day, but there’s the whole saying “work hard, play hard” and this is a fact. Once you get used to procrastination, it’s really hard to get it out of your daily routine. 

Instead of coming home after work and instantly vegging, do everything you need to do straight away. Prepare yourself for the next day; otherwise things will start getting on top of you. Procrastination is a bad habit and is one that in the long run will be the be all and end all. 

Improving your mental wellbeing 


With the busy life lived of being a Londoner, we all know the stress that can develop from it and the strain it can put on your mental health. Positivity is the biggest achievement you can achieve to this day. When the going gets tough, make sure you absolutely do not give up. 



Be the best version of yourself. Here at LeSalon we value self-empowerment, self love and care. Take some time in your schedule to  get your nails done, indulge in a massage, feel new again with a fresh spray tan or something that makes you feel confident and reduces your stress. 


Take chances, do something you would never normally do. Write a list of something you want to achieve and make it a checklist. Make this year the one that is memorable, the one where you learnt to love yourself whilst also cherishing those you love. 

“If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else! Can I get an Amen” -RuPaul


Quality sleep


Make sleep a priority. so important to you, your motivation and work ethic. Turn your phones, computers and TV’s off half an hour before bed and read a book with a cup of herbal tea. You should be gunning for at least 8 hours of sleep and that’s really the bare minimum. If you want to achieve resolutions and be the best version of yourself, sleep is your best friend. Use your sleep to recharge and feel rejuvenated -make your busy week at work more achievable. 


Bad Habits 


Drinking, Smoking, biting your nails, over-spending. Any of these could be your bad habit and it might be something that you want to do less or give up entirely.  A lot of people find bad habits like such hard to kick. They don’t only affect your health, but are also burning a hole into your wallet. Be prepared to make this year the one where you show everyone you have will power, benefit from the above resolutions to hack this one. 



Be more organised. This is one thing that will make achieving those resolutions easier. Organisation is what will make you the boss that you are.

These goals might not be achieved and that is fine. But, as long as you’re working towards something, then you’re doing it right. 

Every day is a new day, but make sure that while you’re earning a living, running back and forth to family or friends, doing your day to day mundane tasks, that you always put in  time for yourself. Take care of yourself,relax and treat yourself once in a while. Your checklist will not be achieved to its fullest capacity in the long run if you are run down, tired and feeling unmotivated. 


Charlotte Painter

Charlotte Painter

Charlotte graduated from Plymouth College of Art with a degree in Fashion design. She has since covered all things beauty and fashion on various social and blog platforms.


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