New Year Resolutions
By Zoe Greenwood, April 19 2021

It’s that time of year again. Keeping a New Year’s resolution is, more often than not, really difficult. We’re not sure why, but it seems to be the case that most of us just don’t follow through – whether that’s going to the gym 3 times a week or reading a new book every month. Most of us even buy a gym membership (which can be really expensive) and we still don’t go – what’s that about? While this may be so, we’re still going to attempt it because what is New Year without some hope? So, we’ve compiled a list of the best New Year’s resolutions and how you can achieve each one of them!
Eat healthily and start exercising
After a month of indulging ourselves in Christmas food, chocolate and daily wine, we’re often feeling a bit down and unhealthy come January. As a result, most of us want to start the year off right by improving our diet and obtaining a healthier lifestyle. Which, to be honest, should really be a yearly thing because our health is pretty important. This doesn’t mean you have to buy a gym membership. Start by introducing little exercises into your routine e.g. walk to your next booking or take the stairs when possible – we realise it might be hard with your kits, so don’t push yourselves too hard! In terms of eating, start by switching your snacks for healthier alternatives, such as nuts or fruit instead of chocolate and sweets. You can even check out Natasha’s blog post on her tips to get exercising here!
Meet new people
You’ve got to live your life and what better way than to meet new people. A lot of us can end up feeling really isolated in the New Year and, as a result, we miss out on amazing opportunities. Meeting new people can have a great impact on your well-being, as well as helping you have a lot of fun. We understand that being a mobile beauty therapist can be lonely, so we like to host more events to ensure you guys can meet new people in the same sector. They’re always a lot of fun so keep your eyes peeled! If there are any events you’d like us to host, just drop us a message to let us know!
Start saving more
This honestly feels like the hardest. We’re not saying give up shopping all together but try putting some money aside for a rainy day or money that you can use to book yourself a nice holiday. It’s nice to give yourself a little gift every now and then – after all, you definitely deserve it. If you find it difficult to save money, try using money more efficiently e.g. buy store brand products, keep track of what you spend (the little things always add up) and try creating a budget so you know exactly how much you’re spending every month and what on.
Start meditating
Your job can always be stressful, but there have been studies that meditation can help improve your mood, reduce your stress and lessen your anxiety which will make you a lot more productive and happier. Meditation involves self-control and muscle control, which can help in your day-to-day lifestyle.
Enjoy the little things
Sometimes you just need to take a break and learn to appreciate life’s simple pleasures. You don’t need to jump out of a plane or go diving to have the best year. The most important thing you can do is learn to enjoy life. Take a walk and enjoy being around nature, go for a coffee with friends, hang out with dogs – all of these are little things that can mean the world and are so easy to achieve.
After all, a New Year is a blank page. You can start and do whatever you want – you might not want to change anything and you don’t have to, but it’s always nice to have one or two goals to look forward to! Share with us any of your resolutions and how you keep up with them over on our social media @salonettes – we would love to hear them!