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What Is A Men’s Sports Pedicure And Why Should I Get One?

By Jade Attwood, December 8 2020

We admit it: traditionally pedicures are something we normally associate with women, but it’s becoming more and more common for men of all ages to put a little more effort into looking after themselves. This is especially true for men who are at the top of their game: whether that be in business, sport, or just those who really put their health and wellbeing first. A lot of successful businessmen and sportsmen regularly invest in themselves, putting aside time every week to make sure they’re looking and feeling as good as possible, and that extends to their feet.

As well as pedicures, men are increasingly taking more care over their diet, skin care, exercise regime and grooming. This has lead to a huge increase in the number and variety of treatments available to men, with a fantastic choice now available in most parts of the country. One treatment that’s certainly gained pace of late in popularity is the men’s sports pedicure. Allegedly favoured by the likes of Christiano Ronaldo, Mel Gibson, and 50 Cent, the male pedicure has officially gone mainstream. It’s a great choice for men who like to work and play hard, but acknowledge that sometimes the feet that get you there need some TLC.

So, what do you mean by a sport’s pedicure?

A men’s sports pedicure is a procedure during which a beauty therapist will clean and trim your toenails, get rid of dead skin, massage your soles and release muscular tension. At the end of the pedicure, your feet will look clean and tidy and feel fantastic. They are quick enough to fit into your lunch break, or the perfect way to de-stress after work, a men’s sports pedicure will leave you feeling relaxed and conditioned for the day ahead.

But what will I actually get out of it?

There are lots of benefits of investing in regular men’s sports pedicures. Apart from the obvious aesthetic reasons, men’s sports pedicures have a number of practical benefits. If you’re a keen athlete, regular pedicures will help you to keep your feet in good condition. During the pedicure, your mobile beauty therapist will remove excess dead skin, callouses and blisters around your feet. This can help you to perform better in the gym and ensure you don’t develop painful pressure points and skin conditions on your feet. In addition, massaging will increase blood flow to your feel which will help to reduce swelling, improve circulation, and therefore help you to recover after an energetic workout session.

Removing the dead skin from your feet can also help to eradicate their smell. For some men, this is a major motivator in having regular pedicures, especially if they have an ongoing problem with foot odour.

Is a sports pedicure for me?

As sports pedicures boast a number of impressive benefits, they appeal to a wide variety of men, from businessmen who want ensure they look great from head to toe, to athletes who want to look after their bodies for optimum performance.

For professionals, having a men’s sports pedicure is a great way to enjoy a bit of time out from a hectic schedule. Lasting between 30 – 40 minutes, pedicures give hardworking businessmen the opportunity to switch off, relax and enjoy a bit of “me time’. For men who like to play football, go to the gym, or stay fit and active, a pedicure is an essential part of their fitness routine. Helping to prevent problems that can cause long-term pain and damage, regular pedicures will help sportsmen to stay fit for as long as possible.

As well as being popular with men who want to keep their bodies in peak condition, men’s sports pedicures are becoming increasingly common amongst men who want to spend quality time with their partners. Booking a joint pedicure gives you both the opportunity to take a bit of time out of your busy lives and really connect, away from the distractions of work, phones, kids and daily life. Throw a massage and a manicure in, and your other half will know just how much you care.

As well as being great for your mental well-being, men’s sports pedicures offer a wide range of practical benefits. With more and more men from all walks of life opting to book themselves in for a treatment and give their feet the attention they need, now’s the perfect time to book one with one of our mobile beauty therapists today and find out what all the fuss is about for yourself.

Jade Attwood

Jade Attwood

Jade is a freelance writer for LeSalon. You can find her writing about all things from maintaining a work/life balance to the importance of work perks in the office.

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