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LeSalon’s Tour de London Recap: Manicures Anywhere!

By Brid McNulty, January 7 2019

You know we’re suckers for at-home manicures and pedicures – you just can’t beat the comfort and convenience. Equally, there’s nothing like having your nails done at the office. But when the sun’s out in London, we think it’s criminal to stay inside! It’s the perfect excuse for an alfresco mani-pedi. Plus, we are always banging on about delivering beauty anywhere, anytime! Last week we took our very own Tour de London with manicures in tow. Check out our recap of each stop we made.

Big Ben

Ah, the iconic Big Ben! Our tour, naturally, had to begin at London’s most famous monument. We sat in Parliament Square Garden by a beautiful bed of flowers. With swarms of tourists wandering by and Big Ben chiming away on the hour, this definitely wasn’t your standard mani 😏 A selfie-stick toting tourist even stopped to snap a photo with us! #CelebStatus! Take a look at our video below to get a true sense of the experience.

London Eye

Next stop – the London Eye. We settled at a spot in Jubilee Gardens with a magnificent view of the classic wheel. It was a quieter area than Big Ben, which made it so relaxing to just sit, enjoy the view and the sunshine. End result: #nailsdone and a tan top-up too! Next time, we think a manicure in one of the Eye capsules is in order!

South Bank

We wandered further along the promenade to our final stop – vibrant South Bank. This time our hand model was a cyclist sitting on a bench. He enjoyed his men’s manicure with the Thames on one side and the Tate on the other. A great place for people-watching, we loved the scene here – we didn’t mind the food-truck burritos after either 😉 Fun fact: some girls passing by thought a proposal was going on!! 

Overall, we had a fun day touring our beloved London. The Tour de London doesn’t stop here though! In the coming weeks we’ll be hitting business areas like St. Paul’s, Shoreditch and Canary Wharf – keep an eye out for us on your lunch break!

Brid McNulty

Brid McNulty

Brid graduated from King's College London and has since gone on to manage and produce various content pieces within the beauty industry. She now uses her skills in her new role as Data Scientist.


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