${profile.first_name}, here's a treat for you and a friend.
Every time a friend uses your code ${profile.referral_code} at checkout, they will get £${Math.trunc(profile.referral_amount / 100)} and you'll get £${Math.trunc(profile.referral_reward / 100)} too. Our gift to you!

It’s a Fantastic service after all…

By Zoe Greenwood, November 15 2019

Ever feel like you just don’t have the time to finish that one job? We get it. Life takes over. We’re getting busier; whether that’s due to raising kids, studying full time, taking on a new job or just simply “not having enough hours in the day”. So, what would you say if we told you that we have something that could change your life? 

It’s already good enough that you can get beauty services straight to your home anytime, anywhere, but make life even more perfect by getting someone in to do all those pesky chores that we (let’s be honest) always try and put off. For this reason, we couldn’t think of a more perfect partnership than with Fantastic Services. And to make things even better, Fantastic Services are offering you £10 off all home services!

Who are Fantastic Services? 

Fantastic Services are a professional home cleaning and maintenance service provider within the UK. From cleaning to gardening, to removals, handymen and more, the company provides clients with top professionals to keep your home looking its best. 

After understanding how busy people get, they wanted to help make their customer’s lives easier. That’s why the Fantastic Services team always listens to your needs and goes the extra mile to ensure that you’re getting the best deal. 

So, how does it work? 

  1. Download the GoFantastic app available for both IOS and Android or visit the website and select the service you need. They have over 25 services available, so whether your house needs tidying or your gardens needs sprucing up, they have it all. 
  2. After choosing your preferred service, customise it to suit your needs. And don’t worry, you can still modify your booking anytime in your Fantastic account, if needed! 
  3. Then just relax knowing that a Fantastic professional is coming round in a matter of days. 

Still need a bit more convincing? 

We’re sure you already understand how great it could be to have someone help you out with some household chores, but it never hurts to have a little financial benefit, right? As a LeSalon customer, you will get an extra £10 off your first booking with Fantastic Services!

All you have to do to get your £10 off is: 

  1. If you haven’t got an account already, sign up with Fantastic Services for free and create one. 
  2. Log in, have a look around and book in your first service. 
  3. Then use the code LESALON at checkout and get your £10 off!

 Don’t say we never do anything for you…

Zoe Greenwood

Zoe Greenwood

After graduating from Brunel University with a degree in Journalism, Zoe has since gone on to become LeSalon’s marketing executive where she oversees and produces content for the blog and social platforms, covering online interviews with female entrepreneurs, beauty tips and trending news.


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