9 Tips To Protect Your Hair From The Sun
By Lucy Yeeles, October 18 2019

We all know the daily struggle of having to care for our hair and make it look shiny and healthy. Sometimes it takes a hairdryer, hair straighteners and many serums before we get the look we want. However, this process becomes even worse when the sun is out.
We all know the daily struggle of having to care for our hair and make it look shiny and healthy. Sometimes it takes a hairdryer, hair straighteners and many serums before we get the look we want. However, this process becomes even worse when the sun is out.
As we all know, the sun is pretty harmful. And those powerful UV rays can damage our hair. They weaken the outside cover of the hair strand and deteriorate hair proteins and pigment. This causes hair protein loss. When your hair is exposed to the sun a lot, you may see duller hair colour, dry and brittle strands, broken or split ends and thinning, dryness and frizziness. What we need to do is look after our hair before we go into the sun and afterwards so that we never have to worry about damaging our hair again.
Getting started:
Firstly, here are our tips on how to prepare your hair for summer or before you go on your summer holiday:
- Before you go away, get good hair-cut. This will allow your hair to be at its healthiest and, as such, will be less prone to getting damaged.
- If you fancy getting highlights, balayage or any type of hair colour treatment, we advise that you do this a few months before heading directly into the sun. If you do it just before you go away or before summer starts, the sun mixes with chemicals from the treatment, resulting in colour fading. So not exactly ideal if you’ve just had your colour done! Also make sure to pack hair products, which are made especially for colour treatment.
What next?
Now that you’re ready for summer or your holiday, we recommend the following to ensure that your hair doesn’t get damaged while you’re in the sun every day…
- Wear a hat during the day. It’s simple really, the hat will cover your scalp and roots, which will protect your hair from the sun.
- When shampooing your hair, make sure to be careful and not rub too hard. Ensure that you clean the scalp area carefully because it can catch the sun quite easily as it is such a sensitive area of skin. Cleansing too hard can damage your roots, so always be gentle to your hair.
- Use a good quality conditioner. We advise that you get a specific one for your hair type, texture and colour.
- Try to use a comb instead of a hairbrush. It will be much softer and gentler on your hair, helping to avoid breakage and split ends.
- Do not add any extra heat! We know how tempting it is to try to combat the frizz and humidity on holiday by using a hair-dryer or another tool, because let’s face it, we’ve all been there. But, try to remember that as our hair is exposed to heat all day, we do not want to be adding anything else. In fact, we recommend that you air dry your hair when you can. If you do have to use something, go easy and always use heat protection spray.
- Use a leave-in conditioner containing SPF when you’re in the sun. This will really protect your hair from any UV rays.
- We all love a good hair mask and there is a reason why. They help to nurture and restore our dry and damaged hair. Something you may not know is that avocados are really good for your hair. They soothe dry and sun-damaged hair. The natural oils, proteins and vitamins from them keep hair protected, well-hydrated and soft. So, if your hair could do with a bit of TLC or even if your scalp is sore from the sun, try this. It’s super nourishing.
With all these suggestions, looking after your hair in the sun has never been easier. Make sure to try these ideas next time you go on holiday or spend time in the sun. You will really notice the difference.