Building a different company
By Jean Michel, January 9 2019

A different type of company
Natasha and I always wanted to build a different type of company.
Having both worked in corporate setups previously, we wanted to create an environment where people were empowered and felt excited to come to work every day! 💪
From the early days, LeSalon was driven by values. But we never took the time to sit and write them down. ✍️
The Offsite
Last month we had our first team offsite. We all went out to West-Sussex and spent some quality time together – yoga, salsa, walks by the sea and even a few games of dodgeball! 💃
But much of our time was used to discuss exactly what we all felt LeSalon was: our values and our mission.
What truly amazed me was that during the discussions, we realised that we were already aligned and going in the same direction ➡️
Companies talk a lot about people, but they often fail to talk with them. When you realise the value in sharing ideas and working as one, you know you’re onto something special 👥
It was a very productive offsite. We defined our values, came up with a new slogan and found a name for our therapists (more on those in the coming month).
More importantly, we were able to spend quality time together. Outside of the office. As a team.
I am blessed to be working with such amazing people every day 🌟
They are LeSalon.
Check out LeSalon’s services today!