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Boring commute? 6 ways to brighten your journey

By Cassidy Brown, January 9 2019

We commute for numerous reasons. Whether it’s because we can’t afford to live in the city, we are settled elsewhere or we just don’t want to, it is a situation we should be making the most of. On average we spend 54 minutes commuting to work in London. This means that for those 54 minutes you can do something that will enhance your mood and change your day-to-day life.

And with the proposed happiness levels lowering with each mile a commuter travels to work it’s clear why those who use the train or bus have higher levels of anxiety and stress than those who walk or ride in a private vehicle. However, at LeSalon, we want to combat this attitude and put the negatives behind us. We are here to help you get your day started on a brighter note.

So what are your options?

Set weekly goals

If your commute is a time where you sit and worry about the endless things you want to do or have to do, listen up. Bring a notebook and pencil, or just use your phone, and create a to-do list of everything you want to accomplish that week. This can include small goals like going to the gym 3 times a week or bigger goals, like beginning to learn a new language. You can then review your personal development and see which areas need more attention.

Catch up on a TV Series

We all complain a little about not having enough time to watch our beloved TV shows we wait for every week, so why not use your commute to do just that? Download the episodes beforehand so that you can watch them uninterrupted by buffering or bad signal. This way you can relax and still be able to contribute to the conversation when all of your coworkers are talking about the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

Read a book

It’s the classic option, the go-to obvious choice you’ve been ignoring. That book you’ve been telling yourself you’ll finally read? Pick it up and bring it with you on your commute. There’s no better way to spend those 54 minutes than jumping into a different world and getting lost in it. If you don’t have a book in mind, ask your friends, family or colleagues for their must-reads list. Or if you’re not big on reading, look for a podcast on something you’ve always wanted to know more about or listen to an audiobook.


When you think of commuting, I’m sure the thought that follows immediately isn’t about meditating. But who knows, maybe this is the perfect opportunity to do just that. With apps such as Headspace you can meditate wherever or whenever, you just have to be able to focus on your breathing and relaxation.

Listen to music and sing

Music makes everyone feel better! Download an app like Spotify that has countless mood dependant playlists on hand. Make your own playlist specifically for starting your day off on the right note. Add songs that promote a positive mood, motivation and encourages you to make the best of your day. Singing is proven to make us happier, so open your airways and channel your inner Beyonce.


Looking at a glum face and listening to heavy sighs does nothing positive for anyone’s mood. If you’re guilty of these commuter traits or if you witness them, smile! It may sound cliche to you, but smiles are contagious and have multiple benefits that can make you feel happier and healthier.

For more info on how to improve your overall health and well-being, visit our wellness blog at LeSalon and keep informed with all of the latest tips, tricks, and trends. Sometimes all you need is a good old manicure to bright to make you that little bit happier! You can also mention us on Twitter, @lesalonapp, and tell us your tips and tricks on how to improve the commute to work.

Cassidy Brown

Cassidy Brown

Coming all the way from America, Cassidy graduated from the University of North Texas and has been a huge contributor to LeSalon’s blog covering everything from mental wellbeing to prepping for your summer getaway.


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