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How to boost energy levels during lockdown

By Jennie Waeland, April 8 2020

Staying at home may seem ideal, but in reality, it takes its toll after a while. The lack of movement and little change of scenery can lead us to feel sluggish and unmotivated. Your first instinct may be to down a coffee and caffeinate yourself, but whilst caffeine may seem like it is boosting your energy, it is actually doing more harm than good. It can raise blood pressure, bring on headaches and actually cause insomnia. Also, it has been linked to more dangerous, long term health issues. A cup or two is fine, but no more than four cups a day should be consumed. 

There are plenty of healthy alternatives to boost your energy levels. Especially, right now, as we are focusing more than ever on our health and immune systems. Here are some healthy, beneficial ways of boosting energy levels during isolation. 

Reasons for reduced energy:


The NHS recommends six to eight glasses of fluid a day. The most obvious choice is water, as most of us are fortunate enough to have easy access to it, especially at this time. The list of health benefits is endless – regulating body temperature, aiding the digestive system, flushing body waste, delivering oxygen throughout the body and so on. However, there are options if you are craving something different (if you have access to these food/drink items in your shops at the moment). 


All food will release different types of energy, from fats to carbohydrates. Different food nourishes your body in different ways. If you are looking for an energy boost, we recommend the following. 



How are you boosting your energy levels whilst at home? Let us know!

Jennie Waeland

Jennie Waeland

Jennie is LeSalon’s Social and Content Executive, covering everything from beauty, lifestyle and, of course, manicures. She graduated from the University of Roehampton with a degree in film and has since used her skills to produce various content and illustrational pieces.


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