Health Benefits of Pedicures for Busy Professionals
By Zoe Greenwood, November 6 2019

For many of us getting a pedicure almost feels like an indulgence, but why? As a busy professional, you’re probably on your feet a lot and booking yourself in for pedicures is, not only a relaxing treat for you, but also keeps your feet in check. Nowadays, it’s not just about how pretty your toenails look, but there are numerous health benefits of getting regular pedicures – particularly during Winter where your feet can get a serious beating.
They keep calluses under control
Calluses are hard areas of skin that are formed in response to repeated pressure. If they’re not taken care of, the callus can continue to build up and become painful. Regular pedicures ensure that your feet are getting constant moisture to prevent calluses from forming, and professional technicians will remove them when needed. Your feet also get a good scrub to remove dead skin which reduces your risk of getting a callus build-up.
Improves the health of your toenails
Ingrown toenails, broken toenails, even lost toenails are all common problems if you’re on your feet a lot and don’t look after them. If your nails aren’t trimmed correctly or are cut too short, you risk ingrown nails which can become painful.
Not paying attention to the skin and cuticles around your nails can also be hazardous. Without regular moisture, the cuticles become dry and nail bed become weak. Getting a pedicure is one of the best ways of ensuring your toenails are kept in good condition.
Reduces your chances of infection
Following on from above, pedicures will also reduce your risk of infections. Ingrown toenails, cuts from dry skin, dirt under your nails – these can all cause a fungal infection if left untreated. Professional pedicures will keep your feet clean and moisturize while preventing the risk of fungi growing. Technicians will also let you know if there are any issues surrounding nail health that you should be aware of.
They’re relaxing
Despite the health benefits, one of the main benefits is that they promote wellbeing. It’s good to take a break and treat yourself – particularly if you’ve spent a lot of time on your feet. During a pedicure, you often get a foot massage which helps promote blood circulation and reduce any stiffness or pain that may occur…and it’s always super relaxing. A pedicure is a great way to take a break during what is often a busy day. An hour treatment every few weeks is definitely worth it.
A pedicure that comes to you
Juggling between your personal life and your professional life can be stressful – it can be difficult to find the time to go to a salon, in between socials, work-commitments, childcare etc, so why not get this service straight to your home? Book an at-home pedicure and have a professional technician come to your house at a time that suits you best – it’s convenient, quick and lets you enjoy the service rather than having to worry about when you’ll have the time.
What does an at-home pedicure include?
- Gentle soaking of your feet in warm water.
- Filing and shaping of toenails (short, clean and cut straight).
- Cuticle tidy.
- Light exfoliation of hard skin.
- Painting of toenails, if desired.
- An application of hydrating foot lotion.