Let’s Talk Mental Health
By Ellie Pirrie, February 5 2019

Mental wellbeing has been at the forefront of news coverage, non-profit organisations and social media movements for quite some time now. For the most part, this had led to extraordinary efforts to normalise and heighten awareness of mental health issues.
Take for example, the relentless campaigning by charities like Mind, the growing focus on mental health awareness week, and the increasing number of endorsements from high profile figures such as Prince William and Harry. Mental health has never been spoken about more.
Yet, in a bid to help those who suffer from mental health issues, it seems only now that businesses are gathering the same kind of momentum to help those who struggle with their mental wellbeing.
It has become apparent that a vast majority of us struggle with our mental wellbeing, specifically in the workplace. Whilst other variables such as social media are often blamed for the recent epidemic, the Mental Health Foundation attributes 12.7% of all sickness absence days in the UK to mental health conditions. They claim that nearly 1 in 7 of us experience mental instability within the workplace- something that simply cannot be ignored.
Though some feel that the workplace has never been more dedicated to employee wellbeing, we believe more can be done to help. Perks like medical insurance, travel opportunities and pension schemes are great but do little for our daily stress levels. Thankfully, some companies are beginning to realise this.
Take the work of London based company, Work Well Being. Their main aim is to create a healthy, happy work environment by delivering wellbeing programmes. By promoting a better understanding of mental health and illness, people leave their workshops better prepped to recognise and appropriately support those who may be struggling. Not to mention promote a zero tolerance policy towards stigma and judgement.
Tech startup, Unmind is also part of this new trend. Backed by the realisation that 9 out of 10 of us who face mental health issues will not confide in an employer, Unmind strives to better equip companies in dealing with employees living with mental health difficulties. They have created a confidential desk and smartphone platform that staff can access, at any time of day. Their goal? To create healthier, happier and more human organisations.
Here at LeSalon, we’re excited by the prospect of mental health taking centre stage in the workplace. We like to think what we do here, as small as an in-office beauty treatment might appear, can contribute to a person’s wellbeing. Self-care is something that we talk about a lot, but its invaluable for maintaining a sense of calm in the chaotic world we now live in. As a business, we often hear from our corporate clients that our group sessions help to start conversations between staff members who may not necessarily engage otherwise. As simple as it seems, talking to peers on a social level is really important for the mind, but is so often avoided – especially at work.
With growing noise around this topic, there are more ways than ever to help your staff feel better. Join in with the conversation by tweeting us @lesalonapp or sending us an email hello@lesalon.com- we’d love to know what workplace wellness means to you!