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Our Top Tips To Prepare For A Wax

By Grace Lindsay, September 26 2018

Waxing can be a daunting experience for many. Apart from the fear that it will hurt, many people find waxing scary due to not knowing what to expect or how to prepare. Because of this, we’ve put together a list of top tips to make sure you are ready for your wax, and to ensure that you have the best experience possible. Therefore you can walk away from your appointment with your head held high, knowing nothing can ever get in the way between you and silky smooth skin again.

Let Your Hair Grow

It is important to let your hair grow to around a quarter-inch before getting a wax, as when your hair is shorter the wax will find it more difficult to grip on, in turn making it difficult for the hair to be removed. It is recommended to leave the hair untouched on the area that you are having waxed for about 3-4 weeks prior to your appointment in order to achieve the best results. Therefore we recommend booking a wax in advance so you have time to let that hair grow!


Before having a wax, it is recommended to gently exfoliate the skin in order to achieve the best results. Try to do this about 2-3 days before your appointment. The reason for exfoliation is that it helps to get rid of any ingrown hairs that would not be removed during a wax. Ingrown hairs are essentially where the hair starts growing back into the skin, and if left they can become painful and difficult to remove. They sometimes look like small red bumps on the skin, so if you think you may have any, try a gentle exfoliation to bring the hair to the surface.

Dress Appropriately

A lot of people tend to avoid getting a wax due to not wanting to strip off in front of a stranger, as it’s fair to say that this can be a rather uncomfortable experience for anyone. If this is the case, we recommend thinking about what you are wearing so that all that awkwardness can be avoided. For example, if you are going for a bikini wax consider wearing a flowy skirt, as you can keep this on and pull it up for the therapist when needed.

Wearing loose clothing is always recommended, as there is nothing worse than having a wax and having to put on something tight afterwards. Wearing tight clothing after a wax can also cause irritation, so it’s best to avoid this all round.  

Pain Relief

Many therapists recommend taking a light painkiller before your wax, as this can help relieve some of the pain. We recommend ibuprofen or aspirin, as these can help with inflammation also. When you have a wax, your skin can often appear red afterwards, this is a sign of inflammation. Don’t worry, it’s completely normal and will go down, but taking a painkiller can help reduce how long it lasts. Take it about an hour before your appointment, so it has time to kick in.

Know What To Avoid

It’s recommended to avoid getting a wax when coming up to or during that “time of the month’. This is because this is when your pain threshold is at its lowest, so going for a wax could seem even worse (as most things do during this time, oh the joys of being a woman.) 

It’s also important to check your skin before you go for wax. If there are any signs of irritation or any cuts and bruises, it’s best to wait till these have healed before you go for a wax, to avoid any further annoyance.


Our final tip, and perhaps the most important one, is to just relax! We know the thought of a wax can seem unnerving at times, but in the hands of a professional you will have nothing to worry about. We find that thinking of talking points prior to your wax can help, so you and your beauty therapist can chat away instead of focusing on what is happening, think of it like going on a first date!

Still feeling nervous? Why not book a wax with us. Here at LeSalon, we bring beauty services to you, so you can have a wax in the comfort of your own home, without any of the added stress that comes with going to a salon.

Read more about how to get the most out of your wax amongst other beauty related topics over on our blog. 

Grace Lindsay

Grace Lindsay

Grace was a contributor to LeSalon's blog and social media platforms. She has written various content pieces surrounding women’s health, beauty tips and trending nail arts.


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