Why You Should Add Retinol To Your Skincare Routine
By Zoe Greenwood, January 21 2019

There are so many crazy beauty trends promising you the best skin of your life and it’s tiring. All we want is one super magical cream which fixes all our insecurities – too unrealistic? Probably. We know you have probably tried every possible product there is, but don’t stop your search now – being the beauty guru’s that we are, we have found the closest thing to a magic potion that will make your skin feel brand new.
The one ingredient that will soften your lines, blur out any insecurities and takes all of two seconds to apply: Retinol.
What does retinol do?
Essentially, it will help produce new skin cells while also helping fade out any pigmentations, blemishes and skin discolouration. Prescription-strength retinoids are also prescribed to those who have trouble with acne; however, these can be very tough on your skin so it’s better to start with retinol. As it’s a lot gentler, you can use it daily without irritating your skin.
While retinol is primarily an anti-ageing ingredient, it doesn’t mean that it’s only suitable for mature skin. In fact, using it at an earlier age will allow you to diminish any early signs of ageing. But do be aware that younger skin types might not notice the effects as much as older ones simply because they won’t have as many age concerns.
Side note: this will not prevent all signs of ageing nor will it make your skin completely wrinkle free.
Retinol will, however, encourage the production of collagen – i.e. what keeps our skin young – which will help reduce fine lines and smooth out your skin texture.
How often do you use it?
Generally speaking, most people are able to use it daily without any irritation especially if it’s mixed into a cream. However, if you have very sensitive or dry skin, we suggest using it a few times a week, in the beginning, to see how your skin reacts to the solution. Essentially, everyone has different skin types, so your usage depends on what works best for your skin.
When do you use it?
This depends on what type of retinol product you are using. While they often come as serums, you can also buy them in cream formulas. If you are using a serum, it’s best to use it straight after cleansing and exfoliating your skin to ensure that your skin can fully absorb the vitamins. Apply a moisturising cream after if your skin feels a bit dry after. You should also ensure you apply retinol in the evening – not only will your skin be more sensitive to the sun, but the light can also diminish the progress.
After introducing retinol to your skincare routine, you should start noticing a difference within 4 weeks, however, major skin changes will take longer, so don’t expect a sudden fix after a week of using. If you’ve used retinol products before, please share with us your thought via our social media @lesalon_uk!
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