How To Remove Eyelash Extensions At Home
By Grace Lindsay, September 26 2018

Eyelash extensions, aka the best thing since sliced bread. Everyone and their mum has them, they are a lifesaver when it comes to applying your makeup, as there is no need for mascara whilst wearing them. Getting them done can take up to two hours, and although the removal process is a lot quicker, we thought we would save you the hassle of going to a salon and have put together a guide on how to remove them yourselves at home.
So, let’s set the scene. You’re four weeks into your eyelash extensions, a few of them have already started to shed along with your natural lashes, and now you’re waking up looking half like Bambi, and half like Kate Upton when her mascara melted at the Harper Bazaar Icons Party. Not a good look. You’ve decided it’s time to get them removed, but after looking at your schedule you realise you’re too busy and just don’t have time to go to the salon. Don’t fret, carry on reading to find out how to do it yourself, in just four simple steps.
1. The first step would be to remove any eye makeup that is on your eyes. Be gentle when doing this, as being rough could cause damage to both the extensions and your natural lashes. We recommend taking a gentle micellar water and applying this on a cotton pad, to gently rub over the eyes.
2. Once you’ve removed any makeup, steam your face to help loosen the extensions. To do this, fill a bowl with hot water and place your head over the bowl with a towel over your head. The best thing about this step? Steaming is great for your skin too, as it helps to flush out pores and prevent blackheads.
3. Next, you’re gonna need some olive oil. This many sound odd, but the oil works well to break down the adhesive used to stick the lashes to your lash line. Apply some oil to a cotton ball, and gently wipe it onto your lashes (try not to get any in your eyes!) Continue to wipe the lashes until the extensions start to fall off.
4. Once they have fallen off, rinse your eyes with water to get rid of any residue. There you have it! Your extensions are removed in minutes, with little to no hassle whatsoever. Easy, right?
If you don’t fancy doing this, you can also leave your eyelash extensions to fall out naturally. Eyelash extensions will shed along with your natural lashes. It can take around about six weeks for all the lashes to fall out. However, in order to make sure that no damage is done to your natural lashes, we do recommend getting them removed by a professional. Plus, if you want to get them redone, you can often book this treatment at the same time.
Here at LeSalon, we bring professional beauty services to your door, therefore you can have your eyelash extensions removed without having to leave your house! Book with us for a bit of pampering in the comfort of your own home.
Read more about eyelash extensions over on our blog.