LeSalon in support of Women for Women International
By Kate Dooley, January 9 2019

Female empowerment. What does it mean to you?
For LeSalon, it’s a principle that our business was founded on. As an on-demand beauty service, we equip our therapists with the tools to take control of their own careers, the results of which are often life-changing. As mothers, wives and daughters, our professionals have a lot of responsibilities to juggle, so providing them with job flexibility is crucial.
But what happens when women have to juggle such responsibilities in the midst of war and conflict? Since 1993, Women for Women International (UK Charity Registration Number: 1115109) has helped more than 462,000 marginalised women in 8 countries affected by the brutality of war.
Shockingly, in these situations, it’s often more dangerous to be a woman than a soldier. Many of the women that the charity has dealt with have endured violence, rape and even witnessed the murder of their own children.
How do Women for Women International help survivors?
This truly inspiring charity has helped female survivors of war in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kosovo, Iraq, Nigeria, Rwanda and South Sudan. Unlike men, women living in these war zones are often unable to flee due to their role as primary caregiver to their children. The survivors have been through some of the most horrific experiences imaginable, from sexual assault to torture and bereavement.
Through Women for Women International’s 12-month programme, these women are given the tools to rebuild their lives. They learn about their rights, are taught key vocational and business skills and receive vital health education. This enables them to access livelihoods, generate an income and break free from trauma and poverty.
Photo: Alison Wright
Once the women have completed the year-long course, the organisation continue to support their economic empowerment by connecting them to financial services, advanced business and vocational training, and support networks. This improves their ability to earn, save, and access capital.
The organisation hope that by inducing long-term change, they can make a difference for generations to come.
Photo: Alison Wright
How are LeSalon supporting the cause?
In support of Women for Women International’s work, LeSalon has launched a unique manicure for the month of December. Clients can now select an accent nail from our brand new Christmas palette as part of their treatment. For every ‘She Inspires Me’ manicure that we carry out, we will contribute £5 to the organisation.
The palette contains a variety of festive motifs, one of which features the Women for Women International logo itself. We would love for our clients to join the sisterhood by booking their very own ‘She Inspires Me’ manicure. If you’d like to get onboard, this option can be found on our treatments list via the website or app.
What can you do to help?
With over twenty brutal armed conflicts across the globe and unprecedented levels of violence against women, there’s never been a greater need for Women for Women International’s work.
If you feel inspired to help the organisation in their quest to empower female war survivors, there are a few ways you can get involved.
One great way of supporting the charity is by watching and sharing the #SheInspiresMe film on their website. Alternatively, you can sponsor a woman through the one-year programme for £22 per month and help change the world one woman at a time.
Or, if you’d like to book a Christmas manicure with us in support of the cause, please find our services page here.