Lash Serums: Are They Really Worth It?
By Zoe Greenwood, December 14 2018

We spend years dreaming of the fullest and longest lashes and, as a result, make our way through hundreds of different mascaras to find the one. It can be quite a struggle if we’re honest but necessary. A less travelled route such as lash serums seem to have become a lot more popular over the years for those looking to grow their lashes naturally – we mean, we’re not all blessed with luscious lashes.
You hear people talking about the benefits of lash serums all the time, but do they work? More importantly, how do they work?
Luckily for all of us, they do work and quite well sometimes, but only providing you buy serums which contain the right ingredients. Yep – unfortunately, some eyelash serums are just creams, so while they will condition your lashes and make them look nice, they won’t encourage any growth. But what we really want to know is whether lash serums are really worth it?
How do they work?
Essentially, eyelash serums do two things: they hydrate and condition your lashes which helps volumize them and they directly stimulate the hair follicles to encourage growth.
The process of applying lash serums is fairly simple, but the issue most people have is remembering to apply it. You need to apply the serum over your natural lashes every day and continue to use it if you want to see any change with your lashes. Obviously, you probably won’t see any change when you first start using them, but if you apply it as directed you should see some results in a few weeks.
When looking for an eyelash serum, you definitely want to check that they contain active ingredients. The common ones being bimatoprost or prostaglandin – these will help lashes grow longer, plumper and essentially fuller.
Are they safe?
Like every product, there is always the risk of side effects and you want to know whether it’s worth your money. While there’s not a big risk, the common ones with lash serums are:
– Eye pigmentation
– Change of eye colour
– Red, puffy eyes
– Skin reactions
Obviously, these usually only happen if you get the product in your eye. With serums, you need to ensure that you’re applying it to solely your lash line – if you get any on your eyelid or in your eye, you should try and wash it off as soon as possible. However, if you’re carefully applying the serum, then you can seriously minimize the risk of getting any side effects.
Also, if you buy an authentic lash serum and look at previous reviews, you can probably determine yourself if it will be worth your money. You’re also less likely to experience any issues if you buy a recommended one, so get researching!
All in all, providing you’ve chosen an eyelash serum with the active ingredients, you should notice a difference if you continuously use it. If you don’t think you’d remember to apply it every day, why not think about getting a different lash treatment. Other possible treatments to get long, luscious lashes include extensions or a lash lift. Here at LeSalon, we offer both of those services to give you the ultimate pair of lashes.