International Women’s Day in the Workplace
By Kate Dooley, November 16 2020

Got anything penciled in your calendar for March 8th this year? No, I’m not talking about an important business meeting or dubious Tinder date. This is the real reason why it should be a significant date your diary…
Every year on March 8th, International Women’s Day is celebrated across the globe. It’s a full 24 hours dedicated to the commemoration of the economic, social and political achievements of women throughout history. It’s also an opportunity to push for change, particularly in other parts of the world where there is still a long way to go in terms of gender parity.
This year, the campaign’s theme is #pressforprogress and is described on the official website as “a strong call to motivate and unite friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive.”
So how can your company spread some IWD cheer? Here are a few suggestions:
Cover the walls in quotes
There are so many inspirational quotes from prominent females figures throughout history and even some from the present day. From Maya Angelou to Emma Watson, these headstrong women often celebrated for their words of wisdom. Why not print some examples out and decorate the office with them as a way of spreading some International Women’s Day love this year?
Organise a cake sale
Just in case you needed a legitimate reason, a cake sale is a great way to show your support to the #pressforprogress campaign. Pick a women’s charity that you’d like to donate the profits to and get baking! And remember, nobody can judge you for consuming 10 red velvet cupcakes in one afternoon if the proceeds are going to a good cause 😉
Shout about it on social media
Share the love online by using your social media presence to raise awareness of IWD. There are loads of creative and inclusive ways to do this. You could upload a photo to Facebook of ‘female employee of the month’ or tweet a list of the gender stereotypes that your amazing female employees have dispelled over the years.
Treat staff to in-office manicures
Show your employees that you care by getting a LeSalon therapist in to treat them to a manicure or pedicure. We think it’s really important to include everybody in spreading a positive message about gender equality so It’s not limited to just the ladies – we do ‘manicures for men’ too! If you’d like to book a corporate event with LeSalon, please contact me via email at
For more information on the campaign check out the official site here, or for more LeSalon content take a look at the rest of our blog.