Friday With Natasha: Laughter
By Zoe Greenwood, August 3 2020

We are coming to the end of January – always a challenging month, not only is it dark, cold and grey but most of us are still a little bloated and strapped for cash following December. Hang on in there – it is getting a minute or two lighter each day . . . spring is at the end of the tunnel. One thing we can do to lift our energy is to bring a little more laughter into our day.
We all know good it feels, here are a few reasons why it is actually beneficial for your health:
- Laughter causes you to gulp in large portions of air, thereby oxygenating your blood.
- Laughter decreases stress hormones in the body such as cortisol and adrenaline, which helps to stave off illness.
- Laughter strengthens the immune system.
- When we laugh our bodies release hormones and chemicals that have positive effects on our system. One of these chemicals is endorphins, the feel-good hormone.
- One minute of laughing burns the same number of calories as 6 to 10 minutes on a treadmill.
- Laughing raises your mood; joyfulness through laughter is the fastest way to create a positive state of mind.
- Laughing is good for the heart and improves blood circulation.
- Laughter can reduce pain and aid the healing process.
- Laughter creates and strengthens human connections.
These are a few things that make me chuckle . . .
- When people think they can bust a groove, particularly if they take themselves seriously here.
- Australian Instagrammer Celeste Barber literally makes me burst out laughing, her parodies are brilliant – follow her on Instagram (check out her December 31st post) or watch some videos here.
- Baby laughter is contagious, click here.
- My kids love this one.
- Ellen DeGeneres always makes me laugh, I enjoyed her recent stand up on Netflix but humour is personal so find the right comedian for you.
Roll on February xx