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Friday With Natasha: Laughter

By Zoe Greenwood, August 3 2020

We are coming to the end of January – always a challenging month, not only is it dark, cold and grey but most of us are still a little bloated and strapped for cash following December. Hang on in there – it is getting a minute or two lighter each day . . .  spring is at the end of the tunnel. One thing we can do to lift our energy is to bring a little more laughter into our day.

We all know good it feels, here are a few reasons why it is actually beneficial for your health:

These are a few things that make me chuckle . . .

  1. When people think they can bust a groove, particularly if they take themselves seriously here.
  2. Australian Instagrammer Celeste Barber literally makes me burst out laughing, her parodies are brilliant – follow her on Instagram (check out her December 31st post) or watch some videos here.
  3. Baby laughter is contagious, click here.
  4. My kids love this one.
  5. Ellen DeGeneres always makes me laugh, I enjoyed her recent stand up on Netflix but humour is personal so find the right comedian for you.

Roll on February xx

Zoe Greenwood

Zoe Greenwood

After graduating from Brunel University with a degree in Journalism, Zoe has since gone on to become LeSalon’s marketing executive where she oversees and produces content for the blog and social platforms, covering online interviews with female entrepreneurs, beauty tips and trending news.


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