Extensions: Are They Worth It?
By Zoe Greenwood, January 10 2019

You’re either obsessed with eyelash extensions or you’ve never had them done. But once you get them done, you’ll realise that they are the ultimate beauty hack. Obviously, if you’re new, then you’re bound to be doing lots of research on extensions: what happens during the process, how long do they last, what does it mean for your natural eyelashes and the obvious, are they worth it?
The days of applying mascara every day, not rubbing your eyes and choosing waterproof mascara, so you don’t get panda eyes are over. With eyelash extensions, you literally wake up ready for the day. People often think that with extensions, you no longer feel the need to slap on a full face of makeup – you look like you’ve already made an effort despite not having put any products on and we have to agree.
So…what happens during the procedure?
You may be nervous the first time booking an appointment but trust us when we say you have nothing to worry about. The actual procedure is fairly calm. So calm in fact, you might even doze off a bit because it’s super relaxing. Firstly, the beautician will clean your eyelids (P.S. make sure you’re not wearing any eye makeup before you get them done) and then they’ll place a pad over your bottom eyelashes so that they don’t get in the way. Once that’s over, all you have to do is keep your eyes closed for the rest of the procedure and relax while the therapist uses tweezers to pick up the false lash and glue it to one of your original lashes. If you feel a bit uneasy about the concept of a tweezer near your eye, don’t worry – you won’t even feel it, the therapist is obviously extremely careful and there is no poking or prodding when applying the falsies.
And how long do they last?
Eyelash extensions last between 4 – 6 weeks, depending on the growth of your natural eyelashes. Basically, the false lash is glued onto your existing lashes so, once your real lashes start shedding, the falsie goes with. You don’t have to schedule any appointments to get them removed, eventually, all the falsies will shed off. But, if you want to maintain the look of glamorous lashes, you can book touch-up appointments where the therapist will fill in any gaps.
Don’t get us wrong, eyelash extensions are great, but they can be an expensive habit. A set of full eyelash extensions costs from roughly £100, depending on where you get them done. And, even touching them up, costs from £50. But do remember, you’ll never have to deal with clumpy/running mascara again. So, really, it’s a win-win.
How will I look after getting them done?
Honestly, you will have imagined what you will look with lash extensions so many times and during the procedure, all you will be hoping is that the therapist doesn’t mess up. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen a lot especially if you go with an experienced therapist. As for how you will look, before the procedure, you can talk with your therapist about what style you want: natural, full glam, a bit of both. Whatever you get, there will be a noticeable difference. More often than not, if you go for the more natural look, you will look like how you would usually look with mascara on, but without the hassle of having to actually apply mascara.
Even better, as opposed to glue-on lashes, you won’t even be able to feel the difference of lash extensions. The first time getting them done, your eyes may feel a bit different, in the sense that there’s obviously something on your eyes, but after a while, they feel completely natural and light.
We have been using mascaras for volume, applying glue-on lashes every day and buying serums claiming to grow your natural lashes in a desperate bid to change our natural lashes and now we’ve potentially found the ultimate eyelash beauty treatment that gives us all we’ve been searching for. The issues people have with extensions are mainly the cost but trust us when we say that they are so addicting you won’t even be thinking of the cost. All jokes aside, they make getting ready a lot easier, you feel more confident with them, and they just add a bit of oomph to your face. In our books, eyelash extensions are 100% worth it!
If you’re looking to get some eyelash extensions, why not book with LeSalon. We bring the therapist to you so if you are going to feel uneasy during the procedure, at least you can feel uneasy within the comfort of your own home. Check out our other posts over on our blog where we talk about all things beauty!