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9 Lifesaving Apps for Busy Women

By Rosa Brandmark Robinson, December 13 2018

Life Changing Apps For Busy Women

Life can get hectic, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, apps can be a lifesaver, with the ability to manage an increasing amount of your life from your phone screen. From staying on top of your game at work, to making the most of your social life, here are our top picks to streamline your life.


Evernote is simply the easiest and most user-friendly way to take notes on your phone. It’s clearly organised, easily searchable and compatible with your tablet and desktop – so you never have to worry about losing track of what you’ve written. So that you won’t need to hunt around for a pen and paper next time you have a burst of inspiration.


The app that makes prioritisation easy, this list-making tool helps you organise and keep track of tasks with a clean and straightforward interface. The app automatically syncs to your other devices, meaning you’ll never forget an important deadline, and its uncluttered, beautiful design will motivate and inspire you.

Last Pass

You’ll never have to worry about forgetting a password again thanks to Last Pass. This app securely stores all your passwords across your online accounts, and when you want to log in, it will automatically fill out all your details for you.


OpenTable makes it easy to get a last-minute restaurant reservation, anywhere in the world. With access to exclusive deals and offers, it’s a must-have for dining out.


Take the stress out of travel planning with TripIt’s brilliant little app. This trip planner organises all your travel related emails into one master itinerary – so your hotel booking or airline ticket are on hand whenever you need them. It’s available to access any time, even when you’re offline, and it’s also easy to share your travel details with friends and family.


If you’re looking to explore the city more, Dojo is the app for you. Whether you’re planning a Saturday night out or a leisurely brunch, Dojo can recommend the best places in your area, and it also integrates with Citymapper and Uber to help you find your way there easily. It’s only available for London at the moment, but watch this space.


Strava is a fitness app with a difference. Every time you run or cycle with Strava, you’re competing with other users in your area, and if you clock up an especially fast time, you might top the leaderboard. This competitive aspect adds an extra edge, helping to motivate your workouts.


There are a lot of health and wellness apps around, but MyFitnessPal’s usability lifts it above the competition. It’s easy to keep track of your meals and you can even scan barcodes, helping you to eat right. It’s also compatible with most fitness devices and apps, making it straightforward to monitor your activity and overall health all in one place.

Sleep Cycle Power Nap

Even the busiest person needs to press pause now and then, and Sleep Cycle’s app is designed to help you have the perfect power nap. The app’s technology gently wakes you up before you fall into deep sleep – ensuring you feel rejuvenated and ready to face the rest of the day.


Shameless plug here but our app really is a life-saver. If you’re big into nail and beauty treatments but lack the time the get to the salon, we are for you! Choose a time, place and service, and we’ll be there.

Rosa Brandmark Robinson

Rosa Brandmark Robinson

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